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Corporate Vaccination

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Corporate Vaccination Program

When people are financially invested, they want a return.When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.


For most companies of all industry, the direct and indirect impact of Employee Health Care spending is the second highest expense after payroll.Insurance data shows that Influenza and Pneumonia accounts for the highest average claim amount.  And both diseases are vaccine-preventable at a fraction of the cost incurred by corporates.

Benefits of Influenza Vaccination for Corporates


Impact of Influenza at Workplace


Recommended and in-scope Vaccination for Adults at Workplace*

* Recommendation by Health Expert authorities including Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), Indian Medical Association (IMA), Association of Physicians of India—Expert panel guidelines.

Vaccination at workplace has immense benefits for both Employer as well as Employees1/span>

Vaccination at workplace has immense benefits for both Employer as well as Employees1

  • Financial benefits & reduced cost
  • Reduced employee absenteeism
  • Improved work productivity
  • Higher employee morale
  • Reduced sick leaves and doctor visits
  • Improved health
  • Wellness with Convenience

Hosting a vaccination program at workplace is a great way to demonstrate a company’s commitment to providing accessible health and wellness benefits. Extending vaccination to employee’s families can be a significant step to ensure better participation. 1 Vaccination should be an essential part of your holistic wellness program for employees. Apart from the direct benefits, spin-off benefits of vaccination in terms of reduction in comorbidities, hospitalization and enhanced business profits makes it a win-win strategy for any corporate across industries.

Our Service

INVC is a one-stop solution for all your Vaccination needs. We understand scale and have the expertise to manage an end-to-end Vaccination campaign for your organization while prioritizing Employee health and service quality, each time.


Our Service


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+91 8821 8821 27

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–Paul J. Meyer

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