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Vaccination for students going abroad in Vaccination-packages-for-family


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In the times of globalization and technological advancements, students now have more opportunities to cross the horizons by enrolling in universities and institutions abroad.

Beyond selecting courses, securing visas, and finding accommodation, there is a crucial aspect that demands attention well before setting foot on foreign soil: Vaccination.

Vaccination made simple

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Why Vaccination is must for students traveling abroad?

Vaccination plays a pivotal role in ensuring the health, safety, and overall well-being of students as they pursue their academic aspirations in unfamiliar territories.

Academic Success: Vaccination safeguards students' health, preventing disruptions to their studies and enhancing their academic experience.

Cost Savings: Vaccination prevents costly healthcare expenses in case of illness, including consultations, hospitalization, tests, and specialist fees.

Compliance: Meeting vaccination requirements ensures a smooth entry process and reflects respect for host country laws.

Peace of Mind: Being protected from preventable diseases eases students' transition and allows them to focus on their studies.

Emergency Preparedness: Vaccinated students are better equipped to handle disease outbreaks, avoiding quarantines and academic interruptions.

Community Health: Students contribute to their host country's collective health by staying vaccinated, reducing disease spread in their communities and among peers.

Recommended vaccination schedule for students going abroad

Below are the most recommended vaccines for specific countries:

Recommended Vaccine* USA Canada Germany Australia New Zealand Singapore
MMR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Varicella Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tdap Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meningococcal Yes Yes
Flu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hep-B Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Polio Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hep-A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Typhoid Yes
COVID-19 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rabies Yes

*Recommendation may differ as per university requirements. A few universities require diagnostic tests such as TB testing and physical examination as part of compliance before travel

Customized packages as per university requirements are available at INVC

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Frequently Asked Questions

Undergoing a health check-up and receiving vaccinations before studying abroad serves several important purposes:

•    Ensuring your own health and well-being: A health check-up helps identify any underlying medical conditions or risks that may require attention or treatment before traveling. It allows you to address any potential health concerns proactively, ensuring that you are physically prepared for your time abroad.
•    Meeting immigration and visa requirements: Many countries have specific health requirements for individuals entering their borders, including students. By completing the required health check-up and vaccinations, you fulfill the necessary immigration criteria and increase the likelihood of a smooth visa application process.
•    Preventing the spread of diseases: Studying abroad often involves interacting with people from different regions and cultures. By receiving recommended vaccinations, you protect yourself and those around you from potential diseases. It also helps prevent the spread of contagious illnesses, particularly if you are coming from an area with different disease prevalence.
•    Adhering to university policies: Some universities have their own health and vaccination requirements to ensure the well-being of their students and maintain a healthy campus environment. By complying with these policies, you contribute to a safer and healthier academic community.
•    Accessing healthcare services abroad: Having up-to-date vaccinations and a recent health check-up can facilitate access to healthcare services while studying abroad. It ensures that you have the necessary documentation and preventive measures in place to receive medical assistance if needed.

By completing the health check-up and vaccinations, you can embark on your study abroad journey with peace of mind, knowing that you have taken necessary precautions to protect your health and comply with any mandatory requirements.

It's important to note that the specific health check-up and vaccination requirements vary by destination country and university. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with your university's international office or healthcare professionals at INVC to understand the specific guidelines and ensure you are adequately prepared for your study abroad experience.


The requirement for health check-ups and vaccinations before studying abroad varies depending on the destination country, the university's policies, and the specific program of study. In some cases, it may be mandatory to undergo a health check-up and receive certain vaccinations, while in other cases, it may be recommended but not compulsory.
Please refer to the guidelines provided by your university's international office and the immigration authorities of the destination country. They will have the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the specific requirements for health check-ups and vaccinations.
Additionally, it is important to consider the potential health risks and prevalent diseases in the destination country. Even if not mandatory, it is highly advisable to ensure that you are in good health and properly vaccinated to protect yourself and others from potential illnesses.

Here are some general guidelines to consider:
Check the requirements: Review the specific requirements and recommendations provided by your university's international office and the immigration authorities of the destination country. They may provide guidance on the recommended timing for health check-ups and vaccinations.
Start early: It is advisable to start the process as early as possible. Some vaccinations require multiple doses administered over a certain period. By starting early, you allow sufficient time for completing the vaccination series before your departure.
Consider vaccine effectiveness: Some vaccines require a specific period to reach their full effectiveness. Plan your vaccinations accordingly, allowing ample time for the vaccines to provide the necessary protection.
Plan for potential side effects: Some vaccines may have mild side effects such as soreness, fatigue, or low-grade fever. Scheduling your health check-up and vaccinations well in advance allows you to recover from any potential side effects before your departure.
Account for administrative processes: Depending on the availability of healthcare providers and the administrative processes involved, it is advisable to schedule your health check-up and vaccinations with enough time to receive the necessary documentation and complete any required paperwork.
Consider visa application timelines: If your health check-up and vaccination documentation are required for your visa application, make sure to schedule them with enough time to receive the necessary paperwork and submit it along with your visa application.

It is important to note that the specific timing may vary based on the destination country, the specific vaccines required, and individual circumstances. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider at INVC and the relevant authorities early on to determine the ideal timing for your health check-up and vaccinations based on your specific situation.

When undergoing a health check-up for studying abroad, it is generally advisable to bring the following documents and forms:
•    Identification documents, such as your passport
•    Medical history, including information about previous vaccinations and existing medical conditions
•    Health check-up forms provided by your university or healthcare provider
•    Vaccination records or immunization cards

The coverage for health check-ups and vaccinations in India depends on your specific health insurance plan. Many health insurance plans in India offer coverage for preventive care, which include annual health check-ups. Vaccination coverage is also becoming more common in India, but it's not universally included. Please check with your insurance provider to understand the scope of your coverage.

The timing for travel after a health check-up and vaccinations vary depending on factors, including the specific vaccinations you received, your health condition, and the destination you're traveling to.

The timing for travel after vaccinations can depend on the type of vaccines you received:

Routine Vaccinations: Vaccinations that are part of routine immunization schedules (e.g., measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus) generally don't require any waiting period before travel. These vaccines are commonly administered and shouldn't affect your travel plans.

Travel Vaccinations: In most cases, you can travel shortly after receiving these vaccines. However, some vaccines might require a few days for the immune response to develop and offer protection. contact your healthcare provider to get specific information on any recommended waiting periods.

If you've received a COVID-19 vaccine, you can usually travel once you're fully vaccinated, which depends on the specific vaccine you received. Keep in mind that some destinations may have their own entry requirements related to COVID-19 vaccinations.

If your health check-up was routine and didn't involve any significant medical procedures or interventions, you should generally be able to travel immediately after the check-up. However, if your check-up identified any health issues that require further evaluation or treatment, it's advisable to follow your healthcare provider's recommendations before traveling.


If you experienced any adverse reactions to the vaccinations, such as fever or soreness, it might be a good idea to allow a day or two for these symptoms to subside before embarking on travel.

If you have a specific destination in mind, check the travel requirements and recommendations for vaccinations from both your home country and the destination country. Some countries may have specific rules regarding the timing of vaccinations before entry.

It's always wise to consult with your healthcare provider or a Vaccine Expert before making travel plans, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns. They can provide personalized advice based on your medical history, the vaccinations you received, and the nature of your travel.

Yes, there may be specific forms or certificates that you need to fill out or obtain after completing your health check-up and vaccinations for studying abroad. The exact requirements can vary depending on the destination country, university, and program of study. Here are some common forms or certificates you may need:

Vaccination Certificate: After receiving vaccinations, you may be issued a vaccination certificate or immunization record. This document serves as proof that you have received the required vaccinations. It typically includes information such as the vaccine name, batch number, date of administration, beneficiary's identity and issuing organization's details.]

Health Certificate: In some cases, you may need to obtain a health certificate or medical clearance form. This document verifies that you have undergone a health check-up and are in good health to pursue your studies abroad. It may require information such as your medical history, physical examination results, and any additional medical tests or screenings conducted.

University/Institution Medical Form: Your university or the immigration authorities of the destination country may require you to fill out their medical form. This form collects information about your health status, including any pre-existing medical conditions, allergies, vaccination status or special healthcare needs. It helps ensure that necessary arrangements and support can be provided during your time abroad.

Consent Forms: Depending on the specific procedures involved in the health check-up and vaccinations, you may need to sign consent forms. These forms give your permission for specific tests, treatments, or vaccinations to be performed.

It is important to check with your university, the healthcare provider conducting the health check-up/ vaccination, or the embassy/consulate of the destination country to confirm the specific forms or certificates required. They will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the necessary documentation for studying abroad.

If you have already received vaccinations in the past, whether as part of routine immunization or for specific travel purposes, you may not need to repeat them in most cases. Vaccinations are designed to provide long-lasting immunity and receiving them once often provides protection for years or even a lifetime.

However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

Routine Vaccinations: Vaccines like measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), tetanus, and others are typically administered during childhood or at specific intervals. These vaccinations create long-term immunity, and booster doses might be recommended in certain situations. A blood titre test will help to determine the current antibody level to ensure your immunity is up to date against these infectious diseases.

Travel Vaccinations: If you've received travel-related vaccinations for a specific destination in the past, you might not need to repeat them for subsequent trips to the same location. However, some vaccinations require booster doses to maintain effectiveness. For example, the yellow fever vaccine typically provides lifelong protection, but in case of Tdap vaccine some countries require a recent proof of immunization as the protection wanes off in 10 years.

COVID-19 Vaccination: The COVID-19 vaccines currently in use are designed to provide long-term immunity against the virus. Booster doses may be recommended over time to fight against the mutating/evolving strains.

Medical History: Your medical history and any changes in health conditions could impact whether you need additional vaccinations. Some medical conditions or treatments may affect your immune response or require you to receive certain vaccines.

Travel Requirements: If you're traveling to a new destination, check the vaccination requirements and recommendations of that country. Some countries have specific entry requirements that may include certain vaccinations. If you've had these vaccines in the past, having records to prove your vaccination status can be helpful.

It's always a good idea to consult your Doctor or a Vaccine expert regarding your vaccination history and any upcoming travel plans. They can review your medical records, discuss your immunization status, and recommend any necessary vaccinations or booster doses based on your individual needs.

A physical vaccination card or a digital vaccination certificate issued by a trusted healthcare provider or reputable institute is generally an accepted proof of vaccination for university/immigration purposes.

You can visit your nearby clinic or contact the travel vaccine experts at INVC on 8821-8821-27 to book an appointment, either at the center or at convenience of your home.

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