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Hepatitis A Vaccination in jaipur


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Hepatitis-A is a viral infection that primarily affects the liver and is caused by the Hepatitis-A virus. This disease is highly contagious and can be transmitted through the consumption of contaminated food or water, or close contact with an infected person.

Vaccination is the best way to prevent Hepatitis-A infection.

Hepatitis A Vaccination schedule

* Single dose is to be given for the live attenuated Hepatitis A vaccine. The inactivated vaccine needs two doses. Please consult your doctor or a Vaccine Expert to get more information on dosage and schedules.

Missed Hepatitis-A Vaccination?

It’s never too late to get vaccinated. Opt for Catch-up Vaccination!
Children and adolescents from 2 to 18 years of age who have missed taking the vaccine as per recommended schedule can still take the vaccination. Adults who were not vaccinated previously and want to be protected against hepatitis A can also get the vaccine.

Hepatitis-A Vaccination for children in India

Hepatitis-A vaccination is recommended for all children over the age of 1 year. The inactivated Hepatitis-A vaccination is given as a two-dose series, with the first dose recommended at 12 months of age or at baby’s first birthday, and the second dose recommended 6 months after the first dose. The live Hepatitis-A vaccination is given as a single dose at 12 months of age. Consult your doctor or a Vaccine Expert to get more information on dosage and scheduling of the vaccination.

Hepatitis-A Vaccination for adults in India

Adults who were not vaccinated previously and want to be protected against hepatitis-A can get two doses of inactivated vaccine or one dose of live vaccine to prevent the disease. Consult your doctor or a Vaccine Expert to get more information on dosage and scheduling of the vaccination.

Cost of Hepatitis-A Vaccination in India

The cost of Hepatitis-A vaccination depends on factors such as the type of vaccine, brand, manufacturer, applicable taxes and the vaccination service provider. On an average, the cost of Hepatitis-A vaccination ranges between Rs 1800 to Rs 2500 for each dose.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Hepatitis-A is a viral infection of the liver that is caused by the Hepatitis-A virus

Hepatitis-A virus is spread primarily through the faecal-oral route. The virus is present in the faeces of an infected person and can be transmitted to others through the following ways:

  • Consuming food or water contaminated with the virus: Hepatitis-A is often transmitted through contaminated food or water. This can happen if an infected person handles food or water without washing their hands properly, or if food or water is contaminated with sewage.
  • Person-to-person contact: Hepatitis-A can also spread through close personal contact with an infected person or by living in close quarters with an infected person.
  • Improper sanitation: The virus can be present in sewage and can contaminate water sources if sewage systems are not properly maintained.

Sharing contaminated objects: The virus can be transmitted if an uninfected person comes into contact with objects that has been contaminated by an infected person.

The symptoms of Hepatitis-A include fatigue, fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes).

Hepatitis-A is a potentially serious illness that can result in:

  • hospitalization for a significant proportion of those infected. According to studies, about one-third of people with Hepatitis-A are hospitalized, and the risk of hospitalization is higher for individuals over the age of 40
  • people to miss several days of work
  • those with pre-existing liver disease, such as chronic Hepatitis-C, may experience severe illness and even death

Most people recover from the illness without any long-term complications. Hepatitis-A-related deaths are rare among young and otherwise healthy individuals.

Hepatitis A infection is moderately common in India, especially in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), India has a high endemicity of hepatitis A virus (HAV), with most people getting infected during childhood. A study conducted in India in 2016 found that the overall prevalence of HAV infection among the general population was 38.3%, with higher rates observed in rural areas and among children under the age of 10. However, the incidence of hepatitis A has declined significantly in India in recent years due to improved sanitation and hygiene practices, as well as the availability of Hepatitis A Vaccination in India.

One way to diagnose acute Hepatitis-A is through a blood test called “IgM class antibody to HEPATITIS-A VIRUS” (IgM anti-HEPATITIS-A VIRUS). Another blood test can indicate if a person was previously infected with HEPATITIS-A VIRUS (total Hepatitis-A antibody [anti-HEPATITIS-A VIRUS]). If you suspect that you Hepatitis-A viruse been exposed to HEPATITIS-A VIRUS or any type of hepatitis virus, it is advisable to talk to your doctor.

Hepatitis-A virus different from hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus in several ways. Firstly, Hepatitis-A virus is transmitted primarily through the faecal-oral route, while Hep-B and Hep-C virus are primarily transmitted through blood or other bodily fluids.
Secondly, the symptoms and severity of illness caused by the three viruses can vary. Hepatitis-A virus typically causes acute illness with symptoms such as fever, fatigue, nausea, and jaundice. Hep-B and Hep-C virus can cause acute illness, but they can also cause chronic liver disease that can lead to serious complications such as liver cancer and liver failure.
Lastly, while there are vaccines available for both Hepatitis-A virus and Hep-B virus, there is no vaccine for Hep-C virus.

There is no specific medicine to treat Hepatitis-A. Most people with Hepatitis-A recover on their own without treatment within a few weeks to several months. Treatment mainly involves managing the symptoms, such as rest, staying hydrated, and avoiding alcohol and certain medications that can cause liver damage. In some cases, hospitalization may be necessary for supportive care, particularly if there is severe liver damage.

Hepatitis-A infection can be prevented by taking the following steps:
Vaccination: Vaccination is the best way to prevent Hepatitis-A infection. The vaccine is recommended for all children at age 1 and for adults who are at risk for infection.
Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after using the toilet, changing diapers, and before handling food or eating.
Avoid contaminated food and water: Avoid drinking untreated water, ice, or eating raw or undercooked shellfish and street food.
Maintain personal hygiene: Avoid sharing personal items such as razors, toothbrushes, and needles with others.
Travel precautions: If traveling to a country with high rates of Hepatitis-A, it is recommended to get vaccinated and avoid contaminated food and water.

Hepatitis-A vaccination is highly effective in preventing Hepatitis-A infection. The vaccine provides long-lasting immunity, and two doses of the vaccine are recommended for long-term protection. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Hepatitis-A vaccine is up to 99% effective in preventing the disease when both doses are received as recommended. It is important to note that the vaccine is not effective for treating someone who already has Hepatitis-A. Therefore, it is important to get vaccinated before exposure to the virus.

The most common side effects of the Hepatitis-A vaccine are mild and include soreness or redness at the injection site, headache, fatigue, fever, and nausea. These side effects usually go away on their own within a few days. Serious side effects from the Hepatitis-A vaccine are rare.

If the second dose has been delayed (more than 6 months since the first dose was given), it should be taken as soon as possible. The first dose does not need to be taken again. You can also consult your doctor or an INVC Vaccine expert for more information on catch-up vaccination.

If an individual who hasn't received the Hepatitis-A vaccine suspects that they may Hepatitis-A virus and has been in close contact with an infected person, they should promptly consult a doctor to confirm if an actual exposure has taken place and if Hepatitis-A vaccination is necessary.

The hepatitis-A vaccine provides protection solely against hepatitis A virus and does not protect against hepatitis B or Hepatitis C. To protect against hepatitis B, a separate vaccine is required. Combination vaccine with Hepatitis-A and Hepatitis-B is currently not available in India. Vaccines are not yet available to protect against Hepatitis-C.

You can consult with your doctor to get tested for hepatitis-A antibodies to determine whether you have been previously vaccinated or have had a past infection with the virus. If the test shows that you are not immune to hepatitis A, you may be recommended to get a Hepatitis-A shot.
Revaccination with hepatitis A vaccine does not lead to any additional side-effects. In fact, some people may need to receive a booster dose of the vaccine to maintain long-term protection against the virus. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people who are at increased risk of hepatitis-A infection receive a booster dose of the vaccine after 6 to 12 months to ensure long-lasting immunity. This includes people who travel frequently to areas with high rates of hepatitis A, people who use drugs and people with chronic liver disease. Receiving a booster dose of hepatitis-A vaccine is safe and can help ensure continued protection against the virus.

You can get the Hepatitis-A vaccination by making an appointment with your doctor. Alternatively, you can schedule an appointment at your nearest INVC Vaccination centre or request a home visit by the INVC Vaccination team to receive the vaccine at your convenience.

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