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Diphtheria Vaccination in indore


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Diphtheria is a highly contagious bacterial infection which primarily affects the mucous membranes of the throat, nose, skin and can lead to serious complications. Diphtheria spreads through respiratory droplets or direct contact with an infected person or contaminated objects.

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent diphtheria. The diphtheria vaccine is often administered in combination with vaccines for other diseases, such as tetanus and pertussis, also known as known as the DTwP/DTaP or Tdap vaccine.

Diphtheria Vaccination schedule

Missed diphtheria Vaccination?

It’s never too late to get vaccinated. Opt for Catch-up Vaccination!
Children and adolescents who have missed taking the vaccine as per recommended schedule can still take the vaccination. Adults who were not vaccinated previously and want to be protected against diphtheria can also get the vaccine. Please consult your doctor or a vaccine expert to get more information on dosage and schedules applicable for you.

Diphtheria vaccination for children in India

The Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP) recommends the following schedule for diphtheria vaccination in children:
Primary Immunization Schedule:
First dose: Given at 6 weeks of age
Second dose: Given at 10 weeks of age
Third dose: Given at 14 weeks of age
Booster Doses:
To maintain long-term immunity, booster doses are necessary.
First booster: Given at 16-24 months of age
Second booster: Given at 4-6 years of age
Third booster: Given at 10 years of age
Consult your doctor or a Vaccine Expert to get more information on dosage and scheduling of the vaccination.

Diphtheria Vaccination for adults in India

Adults who have not received a Tdap vaccine previously or whose vaccination history is uncertain are recommended to receive a one-time booster dose of Td/Tdap. Adults should receive booster doses of the tetanus-diphtheria (Td) vaccine every 10 years for ongoing protection against tetanus and diphtheria. Consult your doctor or a Vaccine Expert to get more information on dosage and scheduling of the vaccination.

Cost of Diphtheria vaccination in India

The cost of diphtheria vaccination depends on factors such as the type of vaccine, brand, manufacturer, applicable taxes and the vaccination service provider. Since diphtheria vaccines are only available in form of combination vaccines in India, the cost of diphtheria vaccination ranges between Rs 1500 to Rs 4200 for each dose depending upon the combination of diphtheria vaccine chosen.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Diphtheria is an extremely contagious bacterial infection caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, a bacterium that produces a powerful toxin capable of harming tissues and causing severe complications. It primarily targets the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, although it can also impact the skin

Diphtheria spreads through respiratory droplets from infected individuals or through direct contact with contaminated objects

Common symptoms include a sore throat, fever, swollen glands in the neck, and the formation of a thick, greyish-white membrane in the throat or nose

Diphtheria is a significant and potentially life-threatening illness. It has a fatality rate of 5% to 10% among all affected individuals. Certain age groups, such as children under 5 years of age and adults over 40 years of age, face an even higher risk, with up to 20% of cases resulting in death

Diphtheria can lead to several complications, which can vary in severity. Some possible complications of diphtheria include:

  • Airway obstruction: The formation of a thick, grayish-white membrane in the throat can cause breathing difficulties and potentially block the airway, leading to respiratory distress and the need for emergency intervention
  • Myocarditis: Diphtheria toxin can affect the heart muscles, leading to myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and subsequent heart failure
  • Neurological complications: The toxin produced by the bacterium can damage nerves, resulting in paralysis or other neurological issues. This can lead to difficulty swallowing, speaking, or moving certain muscles
  • Kidney problems: In rare cases, diphtheria can cause kidney damage, leading to problems with kidney function
  • Secondary infections: Diphtheria weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to secondary bacterial infections, such as pneumonia or skin infections
  • Heart rhythm abnormalities: Diphtheria can cause disturbances in the normal electrical activity of the heart, resulting in abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias).

It is crucial to note that complications from diphtheria can be severe and life-threatening

Prompt medical intervention is crucial to manage the disease and prevent complications. The primary treatments for diphtheria include:

  • Diphtheria antitoxin: This is a specific medication that contains antibodies to neutralize the diphtheria toxin. It is administered to individuals with suspected or confirmed diphtheria to counteract the effects of the toxin.
  • Antibiotics: Treatment with antibiotics, such as erythromycin or penicillin, is essential to eradicate the bacteria and prevent further toxin production. Antibiotics are typically administered for a specified duration to ensure complete elimination of the bacteria.
  • Supportive care: Individuals with diphtheria may require supportive care to manage complications and facilitate recovery. This may include monitoring vital signs, maintaining hydration, and providing respiratory support if necessary.

In severe cases or cases with complications, hospitalization in an intensive care unit (ICU) may be necessary. Close monitoring of the patient's condition, including heart function, airway management, and supportive therapies, is crucial.

Vaccination is the most effective preventive measure against diphtheria.

Other preventive actions include good hygiene practices, avoiding close contact with patients and timely management of cases.

Here are the key measures for preventing diphtheria:

  • Vaccination: The most important step in preventing diphtheria is ensuring immunization with the diphtheria vaccine. Vaccination is typically administered as part of a combination vaccine, such as DTaP or Tdap, which also protects against other diseases like tetanus and pertussis. Following the recommended vaccination schedule, including booster doses, is crucial for long-term protection
  • Good hygiene practices: Practicing good hygiene can help prevent the spread of diphtheria. This includes regular handwashing with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizers, especially after coughing, sneezing, or contact with respiratory secretions
  • Avoiding close contact: Minimizing close contact with individuals who have diphtheria or respiratory infections can reduce the risk of transmission. Isolation and appropriate infection control measures should be followed for infected individuals until they are no longer contagious
  • Prompt treatment and case management: Early diagnosis, prompt treatment with antibiotics, and appropriate management of diphtheria cases are crucial to prevent the spread of the disease. Suspected cases should be reported to healthcare providers or public health authorities for immediate investigation and management

By ensuring high vaccination coverage, practicing good hygiene, and promptly managing cases, the spread of diphtheria can be controlled and prevented, reducing the risk of outbreaks and complications.

Here is a list of different combination of diphtheria vaccines available in India:

  • 2-in-1 Vaccine (Diphtheria-Tetanus (DT) vaccine): This combination vaccine protects against diphtheria and tetanus. It contains diphtheria toxoid and tetanus toxoid. The DT vaccine is used for children who cannot receive the pertussis component due to medical reasons or for individuals requiring a booster dose of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids.
  • 3-in-1 Vaccine (Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTP) vaccine): This is a combination vaccine that provides protection against three diseases namely diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough)
  • 4 in 1 Vaccine (DTP-HiB)

This combination Vaccine protects against four diseases which are diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type b bacteria (Hib). Hib is a common cause of serious diseases such as meningitis and pneumonia in children

  • 5 in 1 Vaccine (DTP-HiB-Hep B)

This combination Vaccine protects against five diseases which are diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and Hepatitis-B. Hep-B is a viral infection that affects the liver

  • 6 in 1 Vaccine (DTP-HiB-Hep B-IPV)

The 6 in 1 vaccine is a combination vaccine that protects against six diseases in a single shot.

This vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), Hepatitis-B and polio (inactivated polio virus). Polio is a viral infection that affects the nervous system and can cause paralysis


All pertussis containing vaccines such as 3-in-1 combination, 4-in-1, 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 combination vaccine have two sub-types:

  1. Painful vaccine (DTwP-xx): DTwP contains whole-cell pertussis components and is considered painful as it can result into severe pain, fever, vomiting, swelling or redness at the site of injection. The DTwP vaccine has been used for many years and provides effective immunity against pertussis
  2. Painless vaccine (DTaP-xx): DTaP contains acellular pertussis components derived from purified parts of the pertussis bacteria, including specific proteins and antigens responsible for generating an immune response. The DTaP vaccines are generally considered safer and they cause fewer reactions compared to DTwP. But remember, painless does not mean that the child will not have any pain during the shot or injection. It means that post vaccination effects are milder in painless as compared to painful vaccine


Combination vaccines offer the advantage of providing protection against multiple diseases with fewer injections, simplifying the immunization process for infants, young children and even adults. It is important that the vaccines are administered according to the recommended immunization schedule.

Following the recommended vaccination schedule, around 95% of individuals will develop sufficient levels of diphtheria antitoxin, providing protection, and 100% will attain protective levels of tetanus antitoxin in their bloodstream. The effectiveness of acellular pertussis vaccines is estimated to be between 80% to 85%, but the protective effect diminishes as the time since vaccination increases. This necessitates routine Td/Tdap booster doses every 10 years

The most common side effects of the diphtheria vaccine include redness and swelling at the injection site, as well as soreness and tenderness in the area where the vaccine is administered. Additionally, mild systemic reactions like fever can also occur. These side effects usually go away on their own within a few days. Serious side effects from the diphtheria vaccine are rare.

The initial series of tetanus vaccination in childhood provides immunity, but booster doses are required every 10 years to maintain long-term protection.

You can get the diphtheria vaccination by making an appointment with your doctor. Alternatively, you can schedule an appointment at your nearest INVC Vaccination centre or request a home visit by the INVC Vaccination team to receive the vaccine at your convenience.

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